Calming Dogs on the Fourth of July

Updated: April 27, 2022

The Fourth of July is something we all look forward to, but not our dogs. In fact, it is one of the most terrifying days in a furbaby’s life. The loud noises - the fireworks and the cheering - all contribute to making it your dog’s worst day ever. But have you ever wondered why your dog is scared of all these?

In this article, we’ll talk about the reasons why and the ways of calming dogs on the Fourth of July.


Why your dog is scared of loud noises

Loud noises are overwhelming

Anything (or anyone) that produces loud sounds startles and scares off your dog. As you know, dogs have very sensitive hearing abilities compared to us and loud noises can seem very alarming to them.

Loud noises are random

You expect loud noises during the Fourth of July, but your dog doesn’t. Fireworks, firecrackers, cheers, and flashing lights come so randomly and without any warning, so your dog can never get used to it and will keep on getting startled and frightened.

Loud noises are threatening

Loud noises can be a threat to your dog and this usually triggers their flight or fight response. Your furbaby will bark upon hearing loud noises but will also run away and hide after. Loud noises can also cause them anxieties, stress, and sometimes aggressive behavior.

Loud noises make your dog feel like they’re trapped

It might be Independence Day for you but it makes your dog feel trapped! Your dog will feel like they have nowhere else to hide as the noises are literally everywhere, even if they are hiding under the bed!

Signs of a stressed dog

The Fourth of July causes an array of stress and anxiety episodes in almost all dogs. As a pet parent, it is your main responsibility to recognize if your dog is already super stressed out.

"The loud noises - the fireworks and the cheering - all contribute to making it your dog’s worst day ever."

Signs can include:

  • tail in between the rear legs
  • trembling
  • shaking
  • panting
  • drooling
  • excessive barking
  • whining
  • attempts to escape
  • hiding
  • decreased to no appetite at all
  • accidents
  • sudden aggressive behaviors
  • and a lot more!

Fortunately, there are ways on how you can help your dog get through the loud noises and stress brought about by the Fourth of July celebration.

Calming dogs on the Fourth of July amidst the noises

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, here are some of the things you can do to help your dog feel safe and secure:

Confine your dog inside

One way of calming dogs on the Fourth of July is confining them inside your house. Just keeping your dog inisde is not enough as they will still have the tendencies to escape when you get too busy and everything gets too loud and flashy. Make sure that you confine your pup and you place them in a comfortable crate or in an empty bedroom, especially when the fireworks go off.

Note: It’s a great decision to have your pup wear dog diapers or belly bands, just in case your furbaby makes accidents.

Provide a safe place

When confining your dog, make sure you create a place for them where it’s comfortable. If your furbaby is crate-trained, prepare their crate. If they aren’t, then you can place your dog in a room with proper lighting and ventilation. You can even give your dog their favorite toys, comfort blankets, bed, or Gnawtlers® to keep them busy and make them feel happier & more comfortable.

Offer calming wraps and supplements

Calming wraps, cloths, or shirts wrapped around your dog’s certain body parts with constant pressure are helpful in keeping them relaxed. But if your dog finds it too much of a trouble, one way of calming dogs on the Fourth of July is by providing calming supplements, like the ones from Pet Parents®.

Pet Parents® Dog Calming Supplement will provide your furbaby with powerful ingredients that help act as a calming aid for dogs. It contains Organic Hemp Extract that is rich in healthy properties that promote calming effects, helping pets cope with external stresses. This supplement also has Organic Chamomile, an herb that provides help for restless furbabies that may reduce hyperactivity & promote relaxation.

As the Fourth of July is a day away, it is best to prepare yourself and your dog in advance. Hopefully the ways mentioned will help your dog feel at ease and calm with the celebrations for the Fourth of July.

We know the Fourth of July is a big and busy day, but don’t forget to check on your dog once in a while and make sure they're okay and doing just fine.

"Pet Parents® Dog Calming Supplement contains Organic Hemp Extract that is rich in healthy properties that promote calming effects, helping pets cope with external stresses."