Why Do Dogs Pant?

Updated: December 22, 2022

"Dogs cannot perspire through their skin like we do because of their dense fur."

Why do dogs pant? Dog panting is a normal behavior that frequently occurs when your dog needs to cool off on a hot day or after a fun playtime. This behavior, which is characterized by quick, flat breathing and frequently includes a large, lolling tongue, is typically natural in dogs and is not a cause of concern at all. Regardless, there are also times when something more serious may be indicated, such as when your dog is panting excessively.

In this article, we will talk about why dogs pant and the many possible reasons why your dog may be panting excessively.


The most common reasons why dogs pant are the following:

Dogs Pant to Stay Cool

Dogs cannot perspire through their skin like we do because of their dense fur. While they can a little sweat via their paw pads, this only does a little cooling down. They swiftly interchange hot air from their lungs with the cool outside air when they pant, which has the effect of accelerating the evaporation of water from their mouths, tongues, and upper respiratory tracts. This water helps to maintain their body temperature as it evaporates, thereby cooling them down.

They are Stressed, Anxious, or Excited

When a dog is nervous, stressed, or anxious, they may pant. Also known as "behavioral panting”, this frequently coexists with some symptoms such as pacing, frequent yawning, trembling, whining, and hiding. If your dog is frightened of fireworks, or when you are traveling in a car, or while visiting the vet, you may notice this form of behavioral panting in them.

why is my dog panting so much

To further help you identify whether your dog is displaying signs of fear or any other sort of distress, pay attention to your furbaby's body language. You can help reduce these occurrences by identifying the source of your dog's fear, anxiety, or excitement. The best course of action is to remove your furbaby from the situation as quickly as possible if panting appears to be a sign of stress, worry, or fear.

Your Dog May be in Pain

Dogs are typically good at hiding their discomfort from their pet parents. However, the extent to which dogs attempt to hide their pain varies. But when they get to a certain point of discomfort, they frequently cannot help but exhibit indications, such as panting. Other symptoms of pain or discomfort to watch out for include vomiting, a decrease in appetite, stomach upset, disinterest in things that they once love, mobility issues, pacing, and changes in behavior. If you think your furbaby is in pain or suffering from something, call your veterinarian immediately.


If your dog is panting a lot more than they used to, there might be something more important concern going on. Additionally, you should seek veterinary care right away if your furbaby's pants seem louder or harsher or if they appear to be panting with more effort than usual. These behaviors could indicate one of the following issues:


If your furbaby is somewhere warm and excessively panting, they might be going in a heatstroke. Take them right away from the heat and into a cooler area. Excessive thirst, a high body temperature, a rapid heartbeat, glazed eyes, a dark or bright red tongue, and/or red gums are some additional symptoms that may be present.

The simplest strategy to prevent heatstroke is to keep your dog inside during hot weather. Also, never leave your dog alone in a hot car, and always provide water for them to drink every time you go out.


As they struggle to get new, oxygenated blood into their system, an obese dog may pant excessively. If you have any reason to believe your dog is overweight, you should consult your veterinarian right away because it can shorten their lifespan and cause more serious conditions including heart failure and joint problems.

Allergic Reactions

Another reason why do dogs pant so much is because of an allergic reaction. There is a chance that your dog will experience an allergic response if you recently started giving them a new medication. Your dog may pant excessively, become lethargic, or vomit if they have an allergy to something.

dog panting, why do dogs pant

You can give your furbaby Allergy SoftSupps® to help fight off allergies. This will aid in supporting your dog's immune system. These allergy-fighting supplements contain Bio-Mos®, a prebiotic that supports the body's natural resistance to infections. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities of Pet Parents® Immune & Dog allergy Supplement also help reduce the symptoms of these allergic reactions.

Respiratory Problems

Excessive panting in your furbaby could also be a sign of respiratory issues like pneumonia and dog asthma. Infection is the main cause of pneumonia, which is an inflammation of the lungs or of the lower respiratory system. According to VCA Animal Hospitals, other signs that may be present include nasal discharge, weight loss, anorexia, and dehydration.

Dog asthma, on the other hand, happens when your furbaby's respiratory tract becomes inflamed and secretes fluid or mucus when they are exposed to something to which they are allergic to. Breathing problems come from this fluid or mucus constricting or totally blocking the dog’s airways.

The process of oxygen entering the bloodstream happens in the lungs. Lack of oxygen occurs when respiratory problems stop this from happening. As a result, your furbaby will naturally respond by breathing more quickly and forcefully, which results in excessive and labored panting.

Heart Problems

Your dog may pant excessively if they are experiencing heart issues. Even when not active, dogs with heart issues may pant excessively often because they find it difficult to breathe. They might also cough frequently and appear generally weak and exhausted.

Offer your dog Multivitamin SoftSupps® to help maintain your dog’s heart health. These dog multivitamins contain Heart Complex, a naturally occurring, omega-3 fatty acid-rich material that supports mobility and may also help with occasional joint discomfort and protection.

Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome

Your dog may be experiencing Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS) if they are a brachycephalic dog breed. These breeds include Bulldogs, Boxers, and Pugs. These dogs have short or squashed nose appearances. As stated by North Downs Specialist Referrals, dogs suffering from clinically significant BOAS can struggle to breathe during exercise and may suffer collapse due to lack of air. Due to their inability to rapidly cool themselves down, they are far more susceptible to heatstroke or overheating.

Panting is your dog’s normal way of cooling themselves down or expressing that they are stressed, anxious, or excited. However, if they are excessively panting, check for signs of heavy breathing, pale or blood-red gums and/or tongue, weakness, vomiting, pacing, or worse collapse, call your vet immediately.

"Offer your dog Multivitamin SoftSupps® to help maintain your dog’s heart health."