Worms in Dogs Poop
Updated: June 29, 2022Your dog can get easily infected with worms as they can basically acquire worms from anything around their surroundings. If left untreated, worms in dogs can cause serious health problems and may even lead to death.
In this article, we’ll talk about the different common types of worms in dogs poop, how dog can become infested with worms, and ways you can prevent or treat worms in your dog.
" If left untreated, worms can cause serious health problems and may even lead to death."
Symptoms of Worms in Dogs
In the early stages, worms remain hidden in your furbaby’s gut and it may be hard to look for any visible signs. But, here are the symptoms of dog worms you may be able to identify:
- Visible worms or eggs in your furbaby’s poop
- Worms in fur or around your furbaby’s anus
- Constant scratching or rubbing their behind against hard and rough surfaces
- Bloated stomach
- Lethargy
- Increased appetite, constant hunger, but experiences weight loss
- Diarrhea, loose stools
- Presence of blood in loose tools
- Vomiting
Other signs of worms in dogs, according to Pets WebMD, include:
- A rough, dry coat
- Scooting on their bottoms
- Presence of worms in their vomit (with roundworms in particular)
- An overall sickly appearance
Types of Worms in Dogs
There are a number of worms your dogs can acquire. The following are the most commonly diagnosed in dogs:
Tapeworms in Dogs
Tapeworms are intestinal parasites that commonly affect dogs. Tapeworms are long and flat worms that attach to your dog’s small intestines. Your dog may end up with tapeworms by ingesting fleas.

Signs of tapeworms in dogs are rarely visible except for the presence of tapeworms in your dog’s poop or around their anus; these have rice-like in appearances. Your dog may also try to scoot regularly and uncomfortably. Fortunately, according to The Spruce Pets, tapeworms in dogs do not tend to harm dogs and are frequently deemed as a hygienic issue only.
Roundworms in Dogs
Roundworms are acquired by your adult dog by ingesting larvae that are usually found in contaminated soil or having direct contact with an infected animal, like a mouse.
However, newborn pups can acquire roundworms from their mothers before birth. Puppies may also get dog roundworm from a mama dog’s milk during nursing. The American Kennel Club emphasizes the importance that newborn puppies undergo proper veterinary care because of the potential to pass along parasites like roundworms in dogs.
Once ingested, the roundworms in dogs make their way straight to the liver. The adult roundworms travel to your dog’s lungs. Then they are coughed up by your dog and swallowed, and they stay in your dog’s intestines.
Hookworms in Dogs
Another common type of worm seen in dogs is hookworms. Hookworms attach themselves to your furbaby’s intestinal mucosa and suck on their blood for sustenance. Hookworms in dogs are a lot smaller in size than roundworms and can not be typically seen in your furbaby’s vomit or poop. So, it is not always easy to determine dog hookworms.
Some visible signs of hookworm infection in your dog may include pale mucous membranes and weakness caused by anemia. Some dogs may show symptoms of hookworms with diarrhea and sudden weight loss. Since hookworms in dogs suck on your their blood, they can be life-threatening for puppies and young dogs due to the amount of blood loss.
Whipworms in Dogs
Dogs usually acquire whipworms from ingesting eggs that are present in the soil, and this occurs commonly during self-grooming. Whipworms in dogs stay in your furbaby’s large intestines. They bite the intestinal tissues and bury their head in. Like hookworms, whipworms also suck a dog’s blood for sustenance.
Major signs that your dog may be infected with whipworms are the presence of blood in their poop. If the infestation of whipworms in dogs worsens, they may experience anemia and severe electrolyte imbalance.
Heartworms in Dogs
Unlike other worms in dog’s poop, heartworms in dogs will not be visible in a dog’s poop. This is because they live in a dog’s heart rather than GI tract. Dog heartworm symptoms are very difficult to see until they are severe. Because of this, regular screenings by your vet as well as preventative methods are key.
Of all types of worms that your dog may acquire, heartworms are the most troubling, but also the most preventable of them all. Heartworms in dogs are usually transmitted through mosquito bites. Heartworms grow and reproduce in your furbaby’s heart, often resulting in heart failure, lung disease, and other organ damages. If heartworm infestations are left untreated, it may potentially be fatal.

How Worms in Dogs are Diagnosed?
Not all worms can be seen in your dog’s poop or around their anus area. This is why a microscopic examination of your furbaby’s poop sample is vital in diagnosing if your furbaby has worms and what kind of worms they have. Meanwhile, a blood test will help detect heartworms. These examinations will also help determine the cause and how to avoid worms in the future.
Determining the types of worms present in your dog will greatly help your veterinarian distinguish what treatment and management plans should your dog undergo.
Treatment and Prevention of Dog Worms
The earlier the treatment, the better when it comes to any form of dog worms. Having your dog go in for regular vet checkups is a good idea to help monitor the presence of any worms in your dog. If needed, your vet will also advise deworming medications to administer for various types of intestinal worms.
Prevention is Key
Preventative treatment for worms like heartworms can also be given at home on a regular basis. It is best to have your dog use worm prevention all year round. As a matter of fact, intestinal dewormers now also contain heartworm dewormers and vice versa. Consult your vet about which dewormers are best for your dog.
Everyday Tips to Prevent Worms in Dogs
In addition to medications and checkups, here are some practices you should adopt to prevent worm infestations in your dog:
- When your dog goes to the potty, always clean their poop immediately after. This will help decrease worm eggs from getting into your yard.
- Supervise your dog. Do not allow them to wander around your neighborhood alone.
- When outside, avoid areas that have poop from other dogs, cats, or stay animals. Always go for well-managed trails and parks. Clean facilities will help lower the risks of your dog acquiring worms.
- Teach your household about good hygiene when handling your dog. This includes teaching them to wash their hands before and after handling your dog, especially when around dog or human food.
- Always clean your dog’s paws before entering your yard or your house. You can use Pet WiPees™ Dog All Purpose + Skin & Coat wipes to quickly clean your dog. These contain vet-approved scents and are safe for every day use.
- Keep your dog’s veterinary care and deworming up-to-date. This is particularly important for puppies and dogs who spend a lot of time outdoors.
- Provide your furbaby with multivitamins, like Pet Parents® Multivitamin SoftSupps®, that contain Immune Complex with Vitamin A, C, and E; may help provide antioxidant support to promote immune health in your dog.
- You can also provide Pet Parents® Probiotic SoftSupps® with MS-99®, a clinically studied Bacillus coagulans that help maintain gut flora in the digestive tract & provides a source of beneficial intestinal bacteria for your furbaby. These chews also contain our powerful 5-strain probiotic blend (5 billion CFU per chew) that helps strengthen intestinal well-being.
Worms in dogs may be tough to deal with as they can’t always be seen by the naked eye. That’s why as pet parents, it’s our responsibility to take care of our dogs and make sure their surroundings and lifestyle are clean and worm-free. Consult your vet about the best prevention methods for your dog and don't hesitate to seek veterinary help if you notice symptoms of worms in dogs,
"Pet Parents® Probiotic SoftSupps® contain our powerful 5-strain probiotic blend that helps strengthen intestinal well-being."
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