What Can I Add to My Dog's Food to Boost Their Health?
Updated: February 27, 2024A weakened immune system in your fur baby can open up chances of infections and diseases affecting your dog. That is why keeping your dog's immune system strong and balanced is a must to help your dog ward off these diseases. You might ask yourself, “What can I add to my dog’s food to help keep them healthy?”
How to Boost a Dog's Immune System Naturally
As the pet industry continues to evolve with things all meant to boost a dog immune system, there are a few that have been known for the benefits it is contributing to your dog's overall health and well-being.
In this article, we've come up with some of the top things you can add right into your dog's diet to boost their health. We will answer questions like: Is fish oil good for dogs? How much glucosamine for dogs is right? Is pumpkin good for dogs? Is yogurt good for dogs? What fruits are good for dogs? Is raw egg good for dogs? Here are some things to add to dog's food that will boost dog immune systems.

Fish Oil for Dogs
Is fish oil good for dogs? And what is the best fish oil for dogs? One of the best sources of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids (not only in humans but also for dogs), fish oil has been well known to improve your dog's skin & coat health and to boost a dog immune system. One of the main benefits of fish oil for dogs is that it helps reduce any kind of inflammation.
There are many types of fish oil specifically made for dogs and fish oil supplements for dogs for better efficiency. The best fish oil for dogs will not have any fillers at all and are manufactured with more active ingredients like Skin and Coat SoftSupps®. These dog supplements contain Epax®, a leading brand of Omega-3 is that rich in EPA & DHA.
Epax® is a world-renowned brand for concentrated Omega-3. This ensures that Skin and Coat SoftSupps® are safe to give to your dog as they comply with the required quantities that are suitable and safe for your dog. Safety is the top priority in choosing the best fish oil for dogs.
The essential fatty acids that your furbaby needs will differ with their specific life-stages such as pregnancy, age, genetic dispositions, and overall health. This plays an exceptional role in a dog's nutrition as your dog’s body can’t produce it on their own. Essential fatty acids are known to help with the immune system, kidney functions and many more, particularly in allergies and skin conditions.
Glucosamine & Chondroitin
Although already naturally occurring in your furbaby's body (the fluid around their joints), Glucosamine supplements, like Hip and Joint SoftSupps® are a great add-in for a dog’s daily diet because it helps slow down the breakdown or the weakening of the cartilage. Glucosamine for dogs is usually paired with Chondroitin to be able to provide and target the growth and repair of the cartilage. How much Glucosamine for dogs will depend on the size of your dog.
Aside from the benefits it offers for your dog's joint health, Glucosamine for dogs has also been proven to help with issues and complications in the digestive system. And because the gut is the biggest organ in the immune system, Glucosamine & Chondroitin indeed, gives your dog's immune system a boost!
Pumpkin for Dogs
Is pumpkin good for dogs? Yes! Pumpkin into your dog's food is a superb additive to help with any gastrointestinal issues. Pumpkin is known to have a high amount of fiber that helps make loose poop firm and firm poop softer. It is also a good home remedy to use pumpkin for dogs upset stomachs in many cases.
Additionally, according to Homes Alive Pets, the nutritional information of one cup of cooked pumpkin (USDA Nutritional Database) shows that pumpkin is low in calories, but rich in essential vitamins and minerals. Pumpkin has a high concentration of vitamin A (beta-carotene) and contains a lot of potassium, which supports proper blood pressure regulation, strengthens your furbaby's muscle health, and improves their metabolism.
"Pumpkin into your dog's food is a superb additive to help with any gastrointestinal issues. Pumpkin is known to have a high amount of fiber that makes loose poop firm and firm poop softer."
Canned pumpkin for dogs or pumpkin puree for dogs can be found at your local grocery store, with other canned vegetables. Canned pumpkin for dogs is no different than for humans, just make sure it is not pumpkin pie filling, which can be harmful to your furbaby.
Unfortunately, some dogs are not always used to eating cooked or canned pumpkin and will refuse to eat it. That's why Pet Parents® has added pumpkin to all its supplements. Together with other whole veggies (and not with fillers like oats and rice) and pumpkin seed extract that helps in aiding proper bladder muscle function & healthy waste elimination, this supplement is a great aid in your dog's digestive health.
Yogurt and Other Dog Probiotics
Giving yogurt to your furbaby is an excellent way to provide their active body with sufficient calcium for proper mobility and reap many health benefits for the gut.
You might be wondering, “is yogurt good for dogs?” Yes, you can use plain or greek yogurt for dogs, but avoid artificial flavors and added sugars. If your dog is lactose intolerant, you can opt in providing them probiotic supplements for dogs like Pet Parents® Probiotic SoftSupps®. These can be fed like dog treats and are created in a GMP-approved, FDA-inspected, and Level 3 SQF-Certified facility, undergoing meticulous processes to increase its efficacy.
Probiotic SoftSupps® help provide natural digestive enzyme support and helps support a healthy digestive & immune system for your furbaby.
Raw Fruits for Dogs
Adding raw fruits safe for dogs, like apple slices and cantaloupe pieces, are healthy additions to your dog’s diet, according to Dr. Jennifer Adolphe, RD. These fruits are full of nutrients like vitamin C, beta-carotene, and dietary fiber, but they are still low in calories, so they won’t risk your furbaby into obesity or being overweight. You can feed these fruits safe for dogs as once-in-a-while snacks (instead of fatty and unhealthy treats) or cut them into tiny pieces or mash them to mix them in with your dog’s meal.
Note: Not all raw fruits are safe for your fur baby. There are fruits that are harmful and toxic to them like grapes, avocados, cherries, and a lot more. Always check first and consult with your vet.
Eggs & Raw Eggs for Dogs
Another food to sneak into your dog’s diet is eggs. According to Whole Dog Journal, eggs have a great nutritional impact, containing high-quality protein and fats along with a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. Eggs are also affordable and easy to feed to your furbaby, too.
Is raw egg good for dogs? Raw eggs for dogs contain great nutritional value but do carry a few risks including salmonella. When asking are raw eggs good for dogs, it is best to consult your vet for your dog’s nutritional needs. Egg whites are easily digested when cooked, while egg yolks keep more of their nutritional value if they are fed raw. Adding raw egg to dog food is an easy way how to boost a dog's immune system.
If you are worried about the bacteria found in raw eggs for dogs, it’s okay to feed soft-cooked eggs, hard boiled eggs, or scrambled eggs to your dog (just don’t add any onions, garlic, or seasonings to it). A large egg provides about 70 calories. This amount is okay for medium and large dog breeds, but for smaller dogs, half an egg daily is recommended.
Mental Enrichment While Feeding
In addition to all these extra ingredients and supplements that can benefit your dog, you can actually provide mental enrichment while the eat them. The Forager® Mat and Forager® Bowl are a snuffle mat and snuffle bowl for dogs that work their brains as they eat their food or treats. Simply add the kibble, vitamins, or supplements to the snuffle mat or bowl and scatter them around. Your dog will use their nose and natural instincts to find the tasty treats and benefit from the mental stimulation.
We recommend using the Forager® Mat as a snuffle mat for dogs during meal time, to slow down eating and provide enrichment with your dog's kibble.
The Forager® Bowl is great for an interactive activity with treats or supplements between meals to provide extra enrichment or to take with you when traveling. Both provide the same benefit of mental enrichment and are machine washable for easy cleaning.
Note: It is better if you stay away from feeding the egg shells as these contain too much of the required calcium your fur baby needs.
Now that you know some things to add to dog food, you can expand your dog’s diet in a healthy way. Try spicing up your dog’s diet with fish oil for dogs, yogurt, pumpkin, supplements, or any mix of the foods suggested above.
If you are ever unsure of safety, remember that you can always ask your vet about raw eggs for dogs, what to look for in fish oil supplements, or any other diet related question for your furbaby.
"Probiotic SoftSupps® provide natural digestive enzyme support."
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Forager™ Bowl
Forager™ Mat
Probiotic SoftSupps®
Skin & Coat SoftSupps®