Dangerous Holiday Items for your Pet
Updated: December 18, 2024
Holiday items can be dangerous for pets. The holiday season brings us so much joy and a gazillion reasons to celebrate and decorate our house to suit the events. But do you know that some of your decorations can put your fur-babies in danger?
We've come up with a list of dangerous holiday items for pets, along with some holiday pet safety tips to keep your furbaby safe this holiday season.
Leftover Bones
Your furbaby's puppy eyes are pretty hard to resist, but no matter how pleading those eyes are, never give in to the urge to give them leftover scraps, especially when there are bones.
According to The Dog People, giving your dog leftover bones may lead to health problems like:
- Mouth and tongue lacerations
- Broken teeth
- Cuts and wounds in the mouth or tonsils
- Vomiting and diarrhea
- Intestinal blockage
Leftover scraps from your holiday table are fatty foods and this can cause diarrhea, vomiting and can promote pancreatitis, a threatening inflammation of the pancreas that generates dangerous enzymes and causes dehydration. Additionally, leftover bones can splinter and pierce your furbaby's internal organs or cause painful constipation.
Instead, provide your furbaby with Gnawtlers® to chew on. Gnawtlers® are specially selected chews from Grade A premium raw elk antlers and deer antlers that make a perfect gift for your gnawing dog. These chews are safe, all-natural, and packed with nutrients!
Sugar-Free Baked Goods
Holiday goodies may appear like a very mouth-watering treat for your furbaby, but these goodies are made with xylitol, an artificial sweetener. This can cause your fur-baby's blood pressure to decrease to seriously low levels.
Holiday treats that frequently contain xylitol:
- Baked goods
- Peanut butter
- Jello
- Cereal
- Candy
- Pudding
- Fruit drinks
- Jellies and jams
Chocolates might be tasty for us, but it isn't good for our pets. Chocolates, when ingested by your furbaby, can lead to seizures, diarrhea, tremors, and if not given medical attention immediately, can even be life-threatening. This is why chocolates should be kept away from your furbaby at all times.
Christmas Tree
It is sad to hear but, yep, our very own Christmas tree is one of the dangerous holiday items for our pets. Christmas pine trees are mildly toxic to pets, while fir tree oils can irritate their mouth and stomach.
Additionally, Christmas trees have pine needles that may pierce through your furbaby's paws. If your furbaby ingests pine needles, it may injure your dog's gastrointestinal tract.
Instead of using a real Christmas tree at home, consider putting up alternative holiday decor.
Electrical Cords
Keep those electrical cords out of your furbaby's reach. This is one of the dangerous holiday items that does not only harm your pet but your household, too!
Your furbaby can get tangled in the cords, or worse, chew on them! This presents a new hazard of getting electrocuted or starting a fire.
Alcohol is a big no-no for your pet (even if he seems thirsty). You should never give your pet any alcoholic beverages as this depresses their nervous system.
You should also keep your furbaby away from eggnog, coffee, tea, soda, and sports drinks as these may cause diarrhea and loose stools.
House Guests
If your furbaby has never met your house guests, it can be a stressful event. Make sure to provide your furbaby with a safe space, away from the holiday celebrations.
Another thing you should be aware of is your guest's belongings. Your furbaby might get a little bit curious about your visitors' suitcases. These suitcases may contain pain medications, sugar-free gums, snacks, and other things that are harmful to pets. Make sure they remain out of your furbaby's reach or behind a closed door.

Visitors can cause a lot of stress for pets. This can also trigger your pet to get loose and escape. Make sure your pet has updated ID tags or microchips. You can provide Pet Parents® Dog Calming Supplement that will provide your fur-baby with powerful ingredients that help act as a calming aid him in stressful situations.
Plan a Pet-Safe Holiday Gathering
- If your pet easily gets stressed out with new people at home, keep her in a safe place - may be inside a crate or in a quiet room away from all the hustle and bustle of house guests.
- Give your pet his own quiet space to retreat to—complete with fresh water, a small amount of dog food (in case he gets hungry), a place to snuggle, and dog diapers to give him the freedom to pee or poop anytime he wants, saving him from the stress and inconvenience of doing business outside .
- Dog diapers can also save you from the hassle of crazy clean-ups!
- To add more leakage protection, consider placing a pee pad or waterproof pet blanket under your furbaby's crate or bed.
- Make sure all the dangerous items and substances that your pet might ingest are out of their reach, locked away or are kept in zip-locked bags.
The holidays are a festive time, but the season brings added dangers for pets. Keep your furry friends away from these items to ensure a merry holiday for all.