Blake Anderssen, founder of Pet Parents® was an abused child born to addict parents where he faced years of all forms of abuse. Because of this, for 18 years, he was forced to move between different family households. His only constant, and shining light was his faith and his childhood pups. From his beagle, BG, boxer mix, Rusty, or his longest furbaby, lab, Blondie, he clung to the unconditional love a furbaby gives you, cementing and living out, Because they are family.®

At 18, he moved from California to Iowa on a football scholarship. Excited for the future and to get away from the chaos he had growing up. His only missing piece was his childhood pup Blondie, who couldn't join him in the college dorms. In 2013, a few years into college, Blondie became incontinent. His dad took her to the vet and the vet gave one option, to put her down. Sadly, with the only option provided by a trusted expert, Blondie joined doggie heaven.

A few years later Blake came across dog diapers. Learning they were a solution for incontinence, emotional, Blake dove deep to learn the ins and outs as to why this hadn't been offered for Blondie. This started the mission of Pet Parents® and the company was founded in 2016.

Our Mission

Our mission, as it says on our walls: Because they are family®. Pet Parents® exists to help furbabies live longer, healthier, & happier lives by creating products, services, and an information platform to solve everyday pet parenting needs.
A lack of solution-focused products and thorough educational information around common pet parenting needs should not be the status quo. A north star of ours is to ensure no furbaby or pet parent faces a similar situation Blake and Blondie faced.
We've set out to design & create insightful solution-focused products and deeply researched empathetic educational information that meaningfully serves furbabies, pet parents, and all the situations that arise through the ups & downs of pet parenting.
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