Gnawing: How to Stop Your Dog From Chewing Everything in Sight
Updated: April 27, 2022"From time to time, your dog will chew and gnaw on things — this is an innate behavior in canines. When your dog begins to chew inappropriately on things in your home, causing wide-scale destruction, it can be a cause of concern."
From time to time, your dog will chew and gnaw on things — this is an innate behavior in canines. When your dog begins to chew inappropriately on things in your home, causing wide-scale destruction, it can be a cause of concern. You’ll want to learn how to stop your dog from chewing everything.
With every pet parent problem, there is always a solution. In this article, we’ll help you find ways to stop your dog from chewing and help you put an end to those nasty habits.
Why Do Dogs Chew?
Dogs chew for a number of reasons. It can be because of:
- teething
- separation anxiety
- boredom
- medical issues
Chewing is something that is normal for dogs. The real problem begins when your dog starts on gnawing on every single thing they lay their eyes on. Your furniture, your couch, and your shoes are all targets of their chewing and it can be very frustrating
As the Humane Society notes, your pup will go through teeting for about six months, which usually creates some discomfort. Chewing not only facilitates teething but also makes sore gums feel better
Your pup is more likely to develop destructive chewing behavior when they're bored, left at home alone, suffering from separation anxiety or a medical condition, or stressed out. This is their way of channeling out their energy, expressing their feelings of frustration, relieving anxiety, or simply getting back at you
Kidding aside, here are efficient ways on how to stop a dog from chewing everything in sight
Ways to Correct Inappropriate Dog Chewing
Rule out the cause
The very first thing you should be doing to help correct your dog’s inappropriate chewing is to know the cause of it. Is your dog a puppy? Are they left alone most of the times? Do they suffer from separation anxiety? Talk to your vet as knowing the reason behind his chewing will help you manage their destructive behavior.
It is also best for you to check with your pup’s vet to rule out any possible medical conditions that could be contributing to their excessive chewing. Pica in dogs can be mistaken as inappropriate chewing. Pica is a condition where your dog chews on and then ingests things that are not food. They will ingest anything, from cloth, paper, plastic, pebbles, and garbage! This condition is a whole different topic and is not that common. If you want to learn more, read about it here.
Doggy-proof your house
Controlling your dog’s nasty chewing habits will take time. What you can do to take control is to limit your dog’s access to your possessions and dog-proof your house. Dog-proofing your house will make things and furniture unavailable for your furbaby to chew on.
Things dogs love to chew on are shoes, slippers, books, remote controls, edges of furniture, carpet, things in the trash can—and that's just the beginning of the list! Evaluate if your dog is able to jump on barriers in the house to get to higher surfaces, or is tall when they stand on their back legs. If necessary, gate off and shut doors of rooms or parts of the house that you don't want your pup to have access to. Taking these steps will limit the number of opportunities your pup has to chew when they aren't supposed to.

Schedule playtimes
As boredom is one of the reasons why your dog could be chewing inappropriately, make sure to schedule playtime on a daily basis. This will not only strengthen your bond together but will also help your dog get excited every day. Your pup now has something to look forward to, which will help redirect their chewing behavior.
Exercising your dog will offer physical and mental stimulation to your furbaby as pups often chew excessively when they have energy and aren't able to get it out. Exercise will tire them out and will help them steer clear of your things at home. You can go to the dog park and take your pup for a walk or a run every day to release energy and give your pup exercise.
Encourage proper chewing
Helping your furbaby get over their inappropriate chewing won’t happen overnight. It is going to be a process; one of the most important things to do is stay consistent and encourage proper chewing.
While it is true that every dog has their own preference when it comes to chews, make sure you're providing and laying out appropriate chews for your dog that are safe, do not easily break or splinter, don't have any added artificial dyes & fragrances, and are jam-packed with nutrients.
Consider giving your furbaby Pet Parents® Gnawtlers®. These are Premium Deer & Elk Antlers for dogs. Unlike other processed & dyed options, Gnawtlers® have no odor and leaves no mess behind! Even after a day of gnawing, these antler chews will not leave any residue or coloring behind. These chews also do not easily splinter or break apart that may destroy your furbaby’s teeth or puncture their GI tract.
Also, the marrow on the inside of Gnawtlers® is packed with calcium, phosphorus, manganese & zinc. Such a nutritious treat!
Things to keep in mind: do not give your dog a shoe or a slipper for them to chew on as they will not know the difference between an old and a new one. Additionally, if your dog is chewing on something they shouldn’t be chewing on, do not try to chase them and grab the object. Being chased is fun for your pup and your pup will think the both of you are playing! Call their attention instead and offer some treats or give them an antler chew so they’ll get used to it.
PetMD reminds that hen it comes to discovering the things that will work out how to stop a puppy from chewing or how to stop an adult dog from chewin everything in sigh, it can be difficult to figure out the best strategies without getting frustrated
But by focusing your attention on eliminating inappropriate chewing opportunities, being consistent and providing appropriate dog toys, you can help your dog or puppy find appropriate outlets for theirchewin
Remember that it is a process that takes time. With patience, understanding, and some Gnawtler® antler chew, your dog will soon learn to control their excessive chewing habits
"Consider giving your furbaby Pet Parents® Gnawtlers®. These are Premium Deer & Elk Antlers for dogs. Unlike other processed & dyed options, Gnawtlers® have no odor and leaves no mess behind! "
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