What Fruits and Vegetables Can Dogs Eat?
Updated: December 18, 2024Unlike cats, dogs are omnivores and can eat a variety of meat, fruits and vegetables. An array of mixed fruits, vegetables and meats can give your furbaby a balanced diet to boost their overall health.
Fruits and vegetables can be an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants—however, not all fruits and veggies are meant to be shared with dog. This guide will help you understand the fruits and vegetables your dog can eat, along with those they cannot.
"Dogs are omnivores and can eat a variety of meat, fruits and vegetables."

What Fruits Can Dogs Eat?
Many fruits dogs can eat are full of healthy vitamins and minerals. The following fruits can be healthy and yummy treats for your furbaby to snack on:
Dogs can eat apples. In fact, apples have many healthy benefits for dogs. These crunchy fruits can be an excellent source of Vitamin A, which promotes good eyesight and proper bone development in dogs. Vitamin C is also found in apples and supports immune health in dogs. Packed with fiber, apples can help dogs maintain a healthy weight and promote good digestion. Apples also contain malic acid, which helps to clean teeth and freshen breath.
How to Prepare Apples for Dogs
- Wash thoroughly. It is important apples are washed thoroughly before given to dogs. Apples may be treated with pesticides, or have bacteria on the skin, which can be harmful to dogs without proper cleaning.
- Remove all seeds and stems. Not only can these be choking hazards for dogs, apple seeds also contain small amounts of cyanide. While consuming a few seeds is not likely to cause harm, eating too many can be dangerous.
- Cut the apple. As long as you remove the seeds and core of the apple, you can slice it any way you’d like. It’s a good idea to cut the apple into small enough pieces that your dog cannot choke.
Dogs can eat bananas but in moderation. Bananas contain many healthy components, like Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C. Bananas are high in potassium, which promotes muscle and blood vessel function. Also high in fiber, bananas may be a great way to provide stomach relief for dogs if they are experiencing diarrhea. Magnesium is also in bananas and promotes bone growth and helps with proper nutrient absorption.

While bananas are nutritious treats, they must be fed in moderation as they are high in sugar. The high sugar content of bananas can be harmful to your dog if fed too much. As advised by WebMD, large dogs can eat half of a banana a day, while small dogs should only have two to three small pieces.
You may also be wondering, “Can dogs eat banana peels?” While banana peels are not technically toxic to dogs, they can result in blockages as they can be difficult for dogs to digest.
Dogs can eat fresh and dried cranberries in moderation. Cranberries are full of antioxidants and promote a healthy immune system. Cranberries also support bladder health, as they help loosen up bacteria from the bladder wall, making it easier to be flushed from the body.
It’s important not to give your dog cranberry sauce or juices with any additives, as these are potentially dangerous. Many prepared versions of cranberry contain high amounts of sugars and preservatives, which can be harmful to dogs. It is extremely important to never give your dog any cranberry/grape blends, as grapes are toxic to dogs.
Some dogs may not want to eat cranberries due to their tart flavor. Supplements for dogs like Bladder SoftSupps® contain the whole cranberry complex to promote urinary tract support, digestive tract support, and kidney and liver health.
Dogs can eat melons. Cantaloupe, honeydew and watermelon are fruits safe for dogs. These melons are a great source of healthy nutrients like potassium, antioxidants and Vitamins A, C and B6. These low-calorie treats have a high water content, making it a great way to provide your furbaby with some extra hydration.
Like any treat, you should feed your dog melon in moderation. While melons have some healthy components, they are also high in sugar. This means melons should be fed in moderation, and may not be the best option for overweight dogs or dogs with diabetes.
How to Prepare Melon for Dogs
- Remove seeds and the rind. Unlike apple seeds, the seeds from melons are not toxic to dogs but should be avoided. Melon seeds are hard for dogs to digest and, if your dog ingests too many, could lead to intestinal blockage. Melon rinds must also be removed, as they can lead to gastrointestinal issues or obstruction.
- Slice the melon. Slice the melon into bite-sized pieces. It’s best to supervise your dog eating melon to reduce choking risk.
Dogs can eat oranges. Oranges can be a great nutritious snack to give to your dog in small quantities. Oranges are full of healthy nutrients for dogs like potassium, fiber, calcium. Oranges are also high in Vitamin C, which helps boost the immune system.
Oranges also contain moderate sugar levels and should be avoided in overweight or obese dogs, and dogs with diabetes. The sugars and high acidity of oranges can also result in dog upset stomach.
Like apples, the seeds in oranges contain cyanide and should be removed before feeding to your furbaby. To safely feed your dog an orange, remove the peel and seeds. Steer clear of canned oranges, as they are high in added sugar and calorie syrup.
Dogs can eat strawberries. Strawberries are a good choice for expanding your dog’s palate. Strawberries are fruits safe for dogs and are packed with antioxidants, which protect cells from free radical damage. Vitamin C, manganese, and potassium are also found in strawberries –all important for supporting your dog’s immune system. Just like apples, strawberries contain malic acid. Malic acid is an enzyme that helps to whiten and clean teeth.
Fresh strawberries should be washed and sliced before given to your furbaby. Like other fruits, strawberries should be fed in moderation, as they contain natural sugars that can upset your dog’s stomach.
It is also best to avoid canned strawberries. They are made with syrup, sweeteners, and other additives like xylitol that can be dangerous for your dog, or even deadly.
Healthy Fruits for Dogs
Many fruits are safe for healthy dogs to eat. However, fruits should always be fed in moderation, and make up no more than 10% of your dog’s diet. Make sure to thoroughly wash all fruit, and prepare correctly before giving it to your furbaby (remove any rind, seeds, stems, pits, etc. if necessary).
Safe Fruits for Dogs
- Apples
- Bananas
- Blackberries
- Blueberries
- Cantaloupe
- Cranberries
- Kiwis
- Mangoes
- Oranges
- Papaya
- Peaches
- Pears
- Pineapple
- Raspberries
- Strawberries
- Watermelon
Fruits to Avoid Feeding Dogs
- Avocado
- Cherries
- Currants
- Grapefruit
- Grapes or Raisins
- Lemons
- Limes
- Plums
- Rhubarb
- Wild Berries
Even though a fruit may be considered safe, all dogs may react differently. You should always monitor your dog when introducing new foods into their diet. Remember to consult your veterinarian with any questions or concerns you may have.
The Best Vegetables for Dogs
Boiled, steamed, or given fresh, the following are some of the best vegetables for dogs.
Dogs can eat cabbage. Cabbage is high in fiber, a good source of potassium, and low in calories. According to PetMD, all cabbages are safe for dogs to eat, although red cabbage contains more beneficial nutrients than green cabbage.
Cabbage is safe for dogs but can lead to gas, which may result in digestive discomfort or even bloating. Raw cabbage can be harder for dogs to digest than cooked cabbage. It is best to only give dogs cabbage in moderation, as too much can lead to discomfort or sickness.
Here is a general cabbage portion guideline:
- Extra-small dog: 1 teaspoon or less
- Small dog: 1-2 teaspoons
- Medium dog: 1 tablespoon
- Large dog: 1-2 tablespoons
- Extra large dog: 1/4 cup or less
Dogs can eat carrots. Carrots are one of the best vegetables for dogs. Carrots are low in calories, high in soluble fiber, and high in beta-carotene. Other healthy nutrients found in carrots are potassium and Vitamins A, K, and B6. The crunchiness of carrots is great for engaging your furbaby’s natural chewing instincts.
How to Prepare Carrots for Dogs
- Raw Carrots: If you are feeding your furbaby raw carrots, then you should always thoroughly rinse and cut them into bite-sized pieces. If your dog consumes carrot slices that are too large, it could lead to choking or blockages.
- Cooked Carrots: Just like a raw carrot, you should always rinse and chop it into bite-sized pieces. Make sure the carrots are not too warm before feeding to your furbaby. You should also make sure not to add any fats, oils, seasonings, or spices when cooking the carrots!
Because carrots are safe and good for dogs, carrots are frequently used in dog foods, dog treats, and dog supplements. All SoftSupps® contain carrots, supporting furbabies’ eye health and their thriving immune system.
Dogs can eat cucumbers. Cucumbers have a high water content, making them a great hydrating treat. They contain magnesium, and potassium, along with Vitamins B, C, and K. When feeding cucumbers to your furbaby, make sure to wash thoroughly and remove any roots, stems, or leaves. Cucumbers should also be cut into bite-sized pieces to reduce the risks of choking or intestinal blockages.

While cucumbers can be a healthy treat, they also contain a lot of fiber. Consuming too much fiber can lead to gastrointestinal discomfort in your furbaby - so they should be eaten in moderation.
While cucumbers are safe for dogs, dogs should never eat pickles. Pickles contain a large amount of salt, which can be harmful to your furbaby. Many pickles also contain toxic, flavorful ingredients like garlic or onion.
Dogs can eat broccoli. Boiled, steamed, or raw broccoli is a reasonable add-on to your dog’s meals. Broccoli is jam-packed with fiber, which can assist with digestion and dog weight management. It also has lutein, a nutrient that helps boost eye and heart health, and other antioxidants that curb inflammation.
Always make sure to monitor portion sizes when giving your furbaby broccoli. A compound called isothiocyanate is found in broccoli and, when paired with fiber and complex sugars, can result in digestive distress including gas, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea.
Dogs can eat pumpkin. Pumpkins are a safe and excellent treat for dogs, as they are a powerful source of fiber. Fiber can help with constant digestive excretory processes. Studies have proven there are exceptionally high levels of amino acid cucurbitacin in pumpkins, which is regarded help aid dog internal parasites. Pumpkins also have high water content, contributing to maintaining your furbaby's skin and coat moisturized.
Because pumpkin is known to provide many healthy benefits to dogs, it is frequently found in treats, food toppers, and supplements.
Sweet Potato
Dogs can eat sweet potatoes. Sweet potato is a great source of dietary fiber, which helps the digestive system function better. Having your furbaby consume fiber daily reduces the risk of developing heart diseases and cancers. Additionally, sweet potatoes are categorized as whole foods, so it is less likely to trigger immune responses.
Do not give raw sweet potatoes to your dog. Always make sure sweet potatoes are cooked. Sweet potatoes can be steamed or baked and added as a topper to your dog’s daily meals.

"SoftSupps® contain sweet potatoes! Sweet potatoes in our supplements for dogs have advantageous nutrients that help support your furbaby's immune and digestive health."
Healthy Vegetables for Dogs
There are many vegetables safe for dogs. Make sure to always feed vegetables to your furbaby in moderation to avoid any upset stomach. When feeding your furbaby vegetables, you should always feed in moderation, monitor their portions, and ensure it is prepared properly.
Safe Vegetables for Dogs
- Asparagus
- Bean Sprouts
- Beets
- Bell Peppers
- Broccoli
- Brussels Sprouts
- Butternut Squash
- Carrots
- Cauliflower
- Celery
- Cucumbers
- Green Beans
- Kale
- Peas
- Potatoes
- Radishes
- Spinach
- Sweet Potatoes
- Yams
- Zucchini
Vegetables to Avoid Feeding Dogs
- Chives
- Corn Cobs
- Egg Plant
- Garlic
- Leeks
- Mushrooms
- Onions
- Peppers
- (Unripe) Tomatoes
- Shallots
Additionally, if ever you are wondering if can dogs have vegetable oil, yes, they can. Although vegetable oil is generally safe, it is not the most suitable oil for your dog, and there are some risks involved in high fat intake, like pancreatitis.
Although these fruits and vegetables are considered to be safe for dogs, each dog is unique and may react differently. If you have questions or concerns about your dog’s diet, it’s always best to consult your veterinarian.
If your dog eats toxic food, like grapes, take your dog to the vet or call Animal Poision Control Center at (888) 426-4435.
Fruits and vegetables do not constitute a complete and balanced diet for dogs. Fruits and vegetables for dogs should should be offered as treats, and make up less than 10% of your dog’s diet. As with any food, feed in moderation and always be mindful of portion control. Remember: too much of a good thing can be bad.